Your birthday could positively impact the lives of children and families affected by childhood cancer. Birthday fundraisers on Facebook or JustGiving are a wonderful opportunity to raise funds and awareness for a cause you care deeply about.

Support from individuals like you is vital in allowing us to continue providing our services to the best of our abilities and give our families the care they need and deserve. Your fundraiser can contribute towards the emotional, practical and financial aid we offer to families impacted by childhood cancer. What better birthday present than knowing you are bringing hope and smiles to the faces of children and families when they need it most?

To set up your fundraiser, visit Candlelighters (

Thank you, from us and our families, for your amazing support.

Our stories

Our Autumn Newsletter is OUT NOW!
16-10-19Our stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
It’s all very exciting here at Candlelighters as our Autumn newsletter has now landed on doorsteps for those that have opted in – how exciting! If you haven’t opted in to receiving our newsletter, you can view it by clicking the image below! Have a good read and find out exactly what our team and …
Candlelighters create the symbolic Gold Ribbon in support of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Today, it’s time for the BIG REVEAL!
30-09-19Our stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
Childhood cancer charity, Candlelighters reveal their #CCAM Gold Ribbon as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close. Throughout the month of September, children’s cancer charity, Candlelighters along with many other charities around the world have been raising awareness of childhood cancer, as well as raising vital funds to support the work they do. Each …
And the winners of the Candlelighters Awards 2019 are…..
25-09-19Our stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
On Friday 13th September 2019 we held our fourth annual Candlelighters Awards! It was a fantastic evening at New Dock Hall where we were able to recognise and thank all the wonderful people who support Candlelighters.  With approximately 350 guests, the room was filled with inspirational, heart-warming and emotional stories from families, corporate and community …

Your stories

6 Yorkshire Peaks turns out an incredible £6,000 for Candlelighters!
25-10-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
Earlier this year Ian Clarkson, Dad of Emily Clarkson who was diagnosed with Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in 2018 aged just 9 months old, set a challenge of a lifetime. On the 24th July 2019 Ian took on the Yorkshire Three Peaks, not only once but twice in one day! This massive challenge was to …
Harrogate School Gets FUNdraising!
16-10-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
Inspired by Jonny Gilberts year of fundraising, Ashville College’s class of Year 7 (now year 8 woo!) organised an amazing week of fundraising in support of Candlelighters. Students of Year 7 gave an assembly informing the full year group about the support Candlelighters provide, before fundraising their way through the action packed week ahead! From …
Simon Firth tells us about the fun and crazy sights of the 2019 Screwball Rally!
30-09-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
“I’m writing this on the evening of 24th September and thinking that just yesterday I had breakfast in Luxembourg and lunch in Belgium … a trip that took us around 9 months to plan and prepare for – the 2019 Screwball Rally in aid of Candlelighters Trust. The charity rally essentially involves driving cheapish cars …
“Without Candlelighters, life would have been impossible.”
27-09-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
Dads amazing charity challenge to mark 2 years of son being in remission! Team George was founded by Mark and Helen Gallimore after their son George was diagnosed with Leukaemia in 2013. From diagnosis and throughout his illness, George and his family were supported by Candlelighters “Without Candlelighters life would have been impossible” Mark Gallimore …
6 Year Old Elliot climbs his way to Young Fundraiser of the Year at Candlelighters Awards!
25-09-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
6 Year Old Elliot climbs his way to Young Fundraiser of the Year at Candlelighters Awards! Elliot’s fundraising journey started back in January 2019 when he decided that he wanted to raise money for poorly children to help them and their families. Elliot, aged 6, had already fundraised for other charities but we were super …
“Challenge yourself where you can, love those around you unconditionally and never give up your fight.”
09-09-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
I want to start off by saying that having the opportunity to write this piece is incredibly cathartic for me. The story I’ve lived so far is riddled with pain, sadness and anxiety, but mostly and importantly, it’s a story of self-belief. A story of triumph and of pushing yourself to places you never thought …
Elizabeth Morgan tells us her story on how Childhood Cancer affected her and her family back in 1998. Look at her now!
06-09-19Your stories • Posted by Candlelighters Marketing
Fast forward the years, I did well in my GCSE’s and went on to do A levels at Greenhead College. It’s difficult to say how much I was influenced by my own medical history but I decided I wanted to be a doctor. Hi, my name is Elizabeth Morgan and this is a joint piece …